Enjoy this soothing "Frosty Heat'" Pain Balm made with cayenne infused olive oil, beeswax and menthol crystals, finished with a blend of essential oils. Easy to apply in this ample sized 2.2 oz. twist up stick with screw on lid. Easy and clean. Enough beeswax is used to make this balm solid and will not be gummy, sticky or wet - it's the perfect consistency to apply and rub into skin.
Upon application, the balm will create a warming and cooling sensation on the skin, which is quite soothing and normal. Feels great on sore muscles, joints, tired shoulders, lower back, etc. Use after the gym or a workout. Penetrates into the joint or muscle giving relief for minor aches and pains. The blend of essential oils smells soothing and is not "perfumey" or overpowering. Rub into sore shoulders and neck.
DO NOT apply to face, lips, in or near eyes, open wounds on the skin and sensitive areas of the body. Patch test is recommended first to make sure you are not sensitive to the ingredients. If you get it on your fingers/under nails, wash off before touching eyes as it may sting. All colors are naturally derived from the cayenne pepper.
Ingredients: olive oil, cayenne pepper, beeswax, shea butter, menthol crystals, arrowroot, vitamin e oil, blend of essential oils (wintermint, orange, camphor, clove, spearmint)
Disclaimer** I am not a medical practitioner. Please consult your own physician before applying topical balms, lotions and flakes. Please do your own research on uses and benefits of cayenne and menthol infused balms before purchasing to make sure it is right for you. This product has not been approved by the FDA.**
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