Calendula flowers picked on our property in Earlville NY. The flowers infused in the olive oil, were strained and mixed with the best stuff: local beeswax, sweet almond oil, coconut oil, shea butter, sweet orange essential oil, vitamin e oil, a drop of preservative to keep it fresh for as long as possible.
Salve can be used wherever needed - lips, dry skin, minor cuts, scrapes. Made to aid in soothing dry and cracked skin, helps relieve sore muscles, aches and pains, minor burns, irritation on the skin and minor rashes. Calendula is said to have properties that help wounds heal faster, is hydrating, anti-inflammatory.
Hand poured into a 1.7 oz reusable tin with a screw top lid. Weighs approximately 1.5 oz. The color is bright yellow from the calendula petals. So pretty with a few dried caledula petals on the top for decoration.
Ingredients: calendula flowers infused in olive oil, sweet almond oil, coconut oil, beeswax, shea butter, sweet orange essential oil.
Disclaimer** I am not a medical practitioner. Please consult your own physician before applying topical balms, lotions, etc. Please do your own research on natural balms and their ingredients before purchasing to make sure it is right for you. This product has not been approved by the FDA.**
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